Aerial photo of Beneficiaries at the Lukuku Community Outreach

Lukuku Community Outreach

Our pilot project with Docroa Healthcare kits is already transforming healthcare delivery in rural areas, providing essential tools for diagnosis and treatments

A total of 231 patients were attended to with medical interventions while 208 out of them were screened for HIV 1&2 and Random blood Glucose respectively.

Positive for 1&2 – 8
Positive for RBS – 18


1. Over 60% of the children seen we’re suffering from anaemia and malnutrition.
2. Upon physical examination, most of the adults presented with yellowish eyes.
3. Over 70% of the reviews indicated that the community is infested with an unknown intestinal nematode as almost all of them presented with either stooling or urinating blood.


1. Hepatitis awareness is urgently needed.
2. Their source of water supply needs to be tested for Ova of the nematode causing the bleeding.
3. The women should be sensitized on the need for proper feeding while pregnant and also nutrition with respect to their children.


We invite partners, donors, and stakeholders to join us in expanding the reach of the Docroa Healthcare kits. Together, we can bring critical healthcare services to those who need them most and set a new global standard in medical care delivery.


Lukuku Village, Gwagwalada, ABuja

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